At Home with... Katie Brindle
Katie Brindle is a Life Healer, Expert Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Bestselling Author and Founder of Hayo’u Method and Hayo’u Fit.

After a car accident ended her dreams of becoming an opera singer, she was eventually healed by Chinese medicine and indeed was so inspired that she decided to train as a practitioner herself.
Katie advocates self-care as the first step – and she believes that it’s the bit that we can all do. As she explains on her website, her “mission in life became to help others using this remarkable healing system. Whilst Western medicine has transformed health care as we know it, there’s a gap that it doesn’t address and that’s the ‘almost-well’, the ‘not feeling so good’, the tired out and over-stressed. This is a gap I have seen Chinese medicine – specifically yang sheng – fill beautifully.”
Katie went on to found the Hayo’u Method and published a book: both of which distil ancient Chinese medicine techniques into simple daily rituals. She hopes that the information, techniques and tools that changed her life and those of many others, can help you feel energised, well and healthy, too.
At the beginning of lockdown, Katie began to share her daily Qigong practice on Instagram and she now has over 75,000 followers and regularly posts videos and conducts Lives to share all of the wisdom and expertise she has from the comfort of her stunning home.
Katie kindly took some time out of her busy day to let us in to a snapshot of her life and home.
Do you live in a town or in the country?
How long have you lived in your current home?
12 years
Did it need much work or renovation?
Yes! Masses- took 18 months to renovate, but worth it!
Would you say you have a style? If so, what is it?
1930s glamorous chic.
Where do you find inspiration for your home?
Everywhere! Looking at magazines, Instagram, going on holiday and looking at interior shops.
What is/are your favourite pieces in your home?
Our new outside tortoise, Hercules, which is a bronze sculpture by Michael Cooper. I also have some very beautiful Japanese tea screens, which I absolutely love.

What is your most recent furniture/home accessory purchase?
Two Damien Hurst pictures, ‘Blossom’.

Have you got a dream item of furniture that you would love in your home?
Rather than furniture, I want to get the gardens replanted and to rewild fields.
Finally, what does your home mean to you?
I work from home and obviously my family are here, so it is very much a lifestyle. I love working from home!
If you are interested in finding out more about Katie, the Hayo’u method or Hayo’u Fit, you can head to:
Katie’s website or follow her on instagram to start your self-care journey now.