The Night Before Christmas Window
Discover the Magic of Christmas with our Christmas Window

‘Twas the night before Christmas, in old Saffron Walden,
At our furniture store, the lights were dimmed golden.
The pillows were plumped all snug on our beds,
Wishing visions of gifts in our customer’s heads.
The tables were resting all regal and splendid
And the armchairs were dozing beneath blankets fine threaded
And I, in my slippers, with the cat on my lap,
Had just settled down for a Christmas Eve nap.
Out on the street, there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my chair to see ‘what’s the matter?’
Away to the window, I flew with a dash,
Tore open the curtains, and threw up the sash.
The moonlight now glistened onto new-fallen snow,
Bringing a touch of Christmas magic to Church Street below.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature steam train with carriages, so clear.
With a jolly old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in an instant that it must be St.Nick.
With chatter and laughter, his passengers came,
And with a blow of the whistle, he drove his Christmas train!
We have made the most magical pairing by bringing you our Christmas window in collaboration with Audley End Miniature Railway.
‘We couldn’t think of a better collaborative partner for our window,’ said Kate Reed of Angela Reed. ‘Christmas is such a magical time and we are always looking a new ways to bring excitement to the town with our Christmas window and we were so pleased when AEMR agreed to work with us on this.’
The idea for the Night Before Christmas came about from the love children have for Christmas Eve and for the all-important visit from Father Christmas.
‘We visit AEMR every year at Christmas with our children,’ said Kate. ‘It is just so magical and the idea of having Father Christmas drive a train with presents and gifts from our shop was such an exciting idea.
‘We were also delighted to work with Helen Musselwhite on the installation. She has captured the town so perfectly. You really need to stop and have a good look to see all of the intricate details that she has included.’
Angela Reed and Audley End Miniature Railway will also be running a competition for the best photo taken of the window to share on Instagram tagging both @angelareedshop and @audleyendminiaturerailway.
The lucky winner will receive 4 x tickets for a Woodland Adventure Day or their Summer Event and a £100 voucher to spend at Angela Reed.
Entries close on December 9th at midnight.